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> Which Lua 'distro' is best for a total newbie?
> I have noticed that there are different ready-to-deploy binary packages, on different websites. Which one is causes the least hassle to set up and is the simplest for learning the basics?

You may try ZeroBrane Studio [1]. I'm biased here (being the author of
the tool), but it runs on Windows/OSX/Linux, comes with Lua 5.1
(LuaJIT) and Lua 5.2 and is supposed to be simple to install as it
doesn't have any dependencies.

It comes packaged with a very simple sequence of lessons (and demos
for various Lua toolkits) and includes 50+ examples built around
turtle and spirograph graphics (in myprograms/ folder).

The project website also has a quick start guide for Lua [2] in one
file that you can copy into the editor tab and be able to run it, step
through it, and click on links pointing to sections in the Lua manual.

