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On 13/01/2014 14.34, Peter Drahoš wrote:
Hello Enrico,
the simplest way on Windows and Mac is to silly download the
following  binaries and unpack their contents into a single directory



Thanks Peter, I superficially browsed LuaDist wiki but didn't realize manual binaries assembling was a possibility.

On linux the recommended way is to simply bootstrap LuaDist using
the  following one-liner:

echo "$(curl -fksSL" | bash

LuaDist itself is lua-5.2.3 based so to get lua-5.1.5 and librs232
we  need to use it to install into separate directory, e.g. into “_tutorial"

./LuaDist/bin/luadist _tutorial install librs232

Once installed you can use _tutorial/bin/lua as usual.

Are there problems in porting librs232 to Lua 5.2?
(perhaps I could help?)

Sorry, no magic “install” button .. yet.

That would do, thanks. Linux users are used to pain and suffering to make things work ;-)

P.S. Maybe a short introductory page for 'binary-only users' could make LuaDist more approachable for a larger number of users.
