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Hello list!

On behalf of the development community at the luarocks-developers
mailing list, I'm happy to announce LuaRocks 2.1.2. LuaRocks is a
package management system for Lua modules. (For more information,
please visit )

Those of you who installed LuaRocks 2.1.0 or later by using "make bootstrap" on
Unix may upgrade by simply running:

luarocks install luarocks

!!Note!! This release includes a bugfix to the caching feature
introduced in version 2.1.1. If your installation of LuaRocks is
failing to find recently updated rocks, please delete the cache. On
Unix-like systems, this should do it: rm -rf ~/.cache/luarocks/*

What's new since 2.1.1:

* major improvements in the Windows install.bat script. Now installs
by default on standard Windows locations, while the old self-contained
all-under-one-dir installation is still supported through an option
flag. The documentation at didn't catch up with it yet,
so please refer to `install /?` for instructions.
* a new command, "luarocks doc <module>" that tries to find any
installed documentation. Due to the lack of documentation standards
for Lua, this uses a few heuristics. Feedback on the feature is
* a rocks_provided configuration entry in which you can preload
dependencies that are already fulfulled in your system; a few defaults
are included (bit32 is auto-provided in Lua 5.2; luabitop is
auto-provided in LuaJIT)
* generated script wrappers are now more robust
* Graceful handling of permission errors on Windows
* Minor performance improvements
* Support for "named trees", so you can label your rocks trees and use
flags such as --tree=system  or --tree=user instead of the full path
* `luarocks` with no arguments presents more useful diagnostics
* Improved Lua detection in Unix installer
* plus assorted bugfixes

As usual, see the GitHub logs for detailed history and credits. And as
always, all kind of feedback is much appreciated.

Thank you, enjoy!

-- Hisham