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On 01/10/2014 02:05 PM, Philipp Janda wrote:

A nice piece of code, actually. The bitset is a table mapping positive
integer keys to boolean values, but instead of just using

Great explanation, thanks! Now I get it. I think I was confused by the "packbits" word, I thought it was some kind of RLE compression.

Now you just need to figure out how to do a bitwise "or" of two 52-bit
wide numbers in Lua (you can probably reuse some code from the `test`
function) ...

I think I have some code around for bitwise operations...

How do you hash arbitrary Lua values (e.g. tables) from within Lua? Or
do you limit yourself to certain keys? I thought about implementing
Bloom filters for fun not long ago, but I couldn't figure out how to
hash a table value (or userdata, etc.) from within Lua ...

Luckily, I only have to store strings (unique identifiers). Also, out of lack of imagination I used CRC32 as hash function, not sure a good match. If you need to store arbitrary data, I guess it turns into a serialization problem.

I uploaded my code at . Notice how I left the lua-bloom project name available ;-)

Thanks again for the help,
