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This is the best weather site i know. Free users get weather prediction delayed for 12 hours (it shows the actual prediction half day past) but it is still the best and informative prediction around i suppose (used it for many years and very satisfied by). Registered users (even free plan) can add his own spots by geo coordinates and it's so very handy :) (not an advertising whatsoever :P)

Very sorry for not be able to join you at the Workshop (planned to attend this year but shit happens...). So have a best workshop and meeting ever! :) I'll be waiting the next year...


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
> Today's news tell about snowstorm on the south of France.

Of the forecasts I have seen, no one predicts a snow storm. One predicts
"Moderate snow", another "Turning cloudy", another "Très nuageux"
(very cloudy).

-- Roberto