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Hi Steve Donovan and people on lua maillist,

I am sorry. This was not that difficult problem.
I have succeeded to apply Orbiter jquery and html library in Orbit Apps!

For this particular problem I faced is simple.

- 31   return html {
+ 31   return html.as_text {

This fix above solves my problem.

With this approach, I can use Orbiter library in Orbit!
Thank you Steve Donovan! Orbiter is still useful in Orbit also!

Journeyer Joh

Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m

2013/11/3 Journeyer J. Joh <>
Hello Steve Donovan and people on lua mail list,

I am now trying to develop a web site using Orbit.
But I am particularly trying to use orbiter.html library in Orbit module.

Orbit's handler registered via app:dispatch_get() is supposed to return a html string.
But Orbiter's is different! Orbiter's handler registered via app:dispatch_get() is supposed to return a table which holds html data.

I need to use Orbiter's html library which provides a handler function of Orbiter style.
And I need to use it in Orbit.

#My Question#
This means I need to convert Orbiter's html table into a html string of Orbit style.
How can I do this? Is it possible?

F.Y.I., let me post my test code below.

  1 #!/usr/bin/env wsapi.cgi
  3 require"orbit"
  4 module("basic3", package.seeall,
  6 local bridge = require "orbiter.bridge"
  9 local jq = require 'orbiter.libs.jquery'
 10 -- to use jq.timer(), must call this first
 11 jq.use_timer()
 13 local html = require 'orbiter.html'
 14 -- Orbiter html variables
 15 local table,tr,th,td,span__ = html.tags 'table,tr,th,td,span'
 17 -- Controller
 18 function index(web)
 19   return _render_data()
 20 end
 21 basic3:dispatch_get(index, "/", "/index")
 23 -- Model
 24 local score = 200
 26 function print_score()
 27   print(score)
 28 end
 30 function _render_data()
 31   return html {
 32     inline_script = [[
 33     <script type="text/_javascript_">
 34     $(document).ready(function () {
 35       $("span:contains('Score')").click();
 36     });
 37     </script>
 38     ]],
 41       return jq.timer(1000,print_score)
 42     end),
 44     table {border="1",
 45       tr {
 46         th {
 47           span__ {
 48             "Score"
 49           }
 50         }
 51       },
 52       tr {
 53         td {
 54           ("%d"):format(score)
 55         }
 56       }
 57     }
 58   }
 59 end
 61 --orbit.htmlify(basic3, "_render_data")
 63 print(_render_data())

As you would be able to notice, I have to do this way because I want to use Orbiter's jquery library.
I haven't find another way to include orbiter's jquery library other than this way.

Please note line 63 prints correct html string (because function 'print' can handle table type).
But If I try it with io.write() error occurs because io.write cannot handle table type. It only accepts string type.

Consequently the code above doesn't produce correct web page because _render_data() produces 'html table' instead of 'html string'.

Thank you very much!
Journeyer Joh
Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m