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Hi Steve Donovan and people on lua mailing list,I've got a question about using 'orbiter jquery library' in 'orbit app'.I am now implementing a web site for embedded system now using of orbit.From my orbit app, I import jquery library like below.local jq = require 'orbiter.libs.jquery'But this inclusion produces error messages on a browser screen like below. (I invoked my web-site using 'wsapi --op')
(lua install prefix)/share/lua/5.1/wsapi/ringer.lua:116: (lua install prefix)/share/lua/5.1/orbiter/bridge.lua:26: attempt to index upvalue 'app' (a nil value)FYI, let me copy the content of 'bridge.lua' below.1 -- Orbiter, a personal web application framework
2 -- orbiter.orbit acts as a bridge for registering static dispatches
3 -- that works with both Orbiter and Orbit
5 local _M = {}
7 local app
9 function _M.new(app_)
10 app = app_
11 end
13 function _M.dispatch_static(...)
14 -- remember to strip off the starting @
15 local path = debug.getinfo(2, "S").source:sub(2):gsub('\\','/')
16 if path:find '/' then
17 path = path:gsub('/[%w_]+%.lua$','')
18 else -- invoked just as script name
19 path = '.'
20 end
21 if orbit then
22 local function static_handler(web)
23 local fpath = path..web.path_info
24 return app:serve_static(web,fpath)
25 end
26 app:dispatch_get(static_handler,...) -------> This is the it.
27 return app
28 else
29 local obj = require 'orbiter'. new()
30 obj.root = path
31 obj:dispatch_static(...)
32 return obj
33 end
34 end
36 return _MI placed orbiter under the place shown below.(lua install prefix)/share/lua/5.1/orbiter#1. Is using 'orbiter jquery library' in making 'orbit web site' impossible?#2. If it is impossible, is there any other jquery lua library I can use in making orbit web site?
Thank you very much in advance.SincerelyJourneyer Joh----------------------------------------
Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l d o t c o m