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It was thus said that the Great Jayanth Acharya once stated:
> After getting stuck in the Windows environment, with LuaDist (as discussed
> in another thread), I've setup a Linux based environment in Virtualbox
> running Crunchbang Linux (based on Debain 'Wheezy').
> However, I've faced with this issue where the rock expects to find
> curl/curl.h but in all the packages I've installed, curl.h is (perhaps no
> longer) found in that path. Is it that this rock has fallen behind ? Here's
> the error:-
> jay@cacafonix:~$ sudo luarocks install luaCURL
> CURL_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu CURL_INCDIR=/usr/include/lua5.1
> Installing
> ..
> Using
> switching to 'build' mode
> Archive:
> /tmp/luarocks_luarocks-rock-luacurl-1.2.1-1-1936/luacurl-1.2.1-1.src.rock
>   inflating: luacurl-1.2.1-1.rockspec
>  extracting:
> Error: Could not find expected file curl/curl.h for CURL -- you may have to
> install CURL in your system and/or pass CURL_DIR or CURL_INCDIR to the
> luarocks command. Example: luarocks install luacurl CURL_DIR=/usr/local

  You may need to install the curl deveopment package.  Usually on Linux
distributions, you have a base install (of curl, that would be the curl
executable, and libcurl for programs that link to it) and a separate
development install that includes the required headers.

  -spc (Facing this very issue on my home system, which is running a
	Linux distribution so old [1] that it's no longer supported.)

[1]	Older than 20 minutes [2]

[2]	I kid, but sometimes it feels like anything older than 20 minutes is
	considered "ancient, you should try updating to the latest version,
	then update again in case thing changed in the two minutes you spent
	upgrading." [3]

[3]	Which makes Lua a refreshing change.