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On 18 October 2013 01:22, Dario Dominin <> wrote:
> Guys,
> I know that my question maybe be consider stupid .. but I can use LUA to
> build complex app? Like interaction with external website/server?
> Like .. click the photo and upload somewhere...
> Because in several guides that Im reading .. they explain you only how to
> build a simple game..
> thx for the help
> Dario

Your question is a bit vague. Lua's standard library is fairly
minimal, but there are many third-party libraries for common tasks.

If you want to do networking (e.g. HTTP GET/POST requests) in Lua,
have a look at LuaSocket[1][2]. If you want filesystem functionality
not provided by the standard IO/OS libraries, have a look at

Both of these are also available through LuaRocks[4].
