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Den 2013-09-23 19:45, skrev Ignacio Burgueño:

I'd like to announce StackTracePlus.

StackTracePlus provides enhanced stack traces for Lua.

It can be used as a replacement for debug.traceback. It gives detailed information about locals, tries to guess function names when they're not available, etc.

Although this module was available since Nov 2010, it is now available as a rock.

You can install it simply by doing:

luarocks install stacktraceplus

It currently does not work with Lua 5.2, but it should be easy to fix.

Thanks a lot! I just downloaded it and used it to solve a bug within a halv an hour.

The bug was in a deamon being massaged by a testscript via socket, so the ability to easily to insert a detailed stackdump to file at the problemspot saved me lot of headscratching on a friday.

One minor suggestion:
Printout of tables are limited to 70 characters. It could be useful if that could be overriden by an option to stacktrace()
