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Background: I don't need all of LuaDist or all of LuaRocks, but it seems
likely that any package that appears in both is to be considered seriously.
So I made a list of those (at the bottom of this posting).

In order to decide which I might install even though not having an
immediate reason for doing so, I now wish to find out more about them, e.g.

1. Author's short description of what the package does.
2. On what does the package depend?

This information sits in the rockspec, so it seems from where I am sitting
that it might not be too hard to make "luarocks show" download just the
rockspec from the same server that "luarocks install" would use and
extract the required information as it would for an installed package.

353 rocks found
200 dists found
These 91 packages from LuaDist are available as rocks
30log                     lua-ev                    luaxml
alien                     lua-iconv                 luazip
ansicolors                lua-spore                 lub
busted                    lua-stdlib                luma
copas                     lua-testlongstring        lunit
coxpcall                  lua-testmore              lut
dkjson                    lua-tinycdb               lzlib
lanes                     lua-websockets            markdown
lcomplex                  lua-zmq                   md5
ldoc                      luabitop                  mixlua
leg                       luacom                    mobdebug
lmapm                     luacov                    moonscript
lmathx                    luacrypto                 objectlua
loop                      luacurl                   oil
lpack                     luadate                   orbit
lpc                       luadoc                    penlight
lpeg                      luaexpat                  pluto
lpty                      luafilesystem             recaptcha
lrandom                   luagl                     rings
lrexlib-gnu               luaidl                    saci
lrexlib-oniguruma         luajson                   say
lrexlib-pcre              lualogging                shake
lrexlib-posix             luapod                    simulua
lrexlib-tre               luaposix                  slncrypto
lsocket                   luaprofiler               slnunicode
lsqlite3                  luasec                    sputnik
lua-cjson                 luasoap                   versium
lua-coat                  luasocket                 xavante
lua-coatpersistent        luasql-mysql              xssfilter
lua-codegen               luasql-sqlite3
lua-discount              luassert