BTW, I might be missing something, but doesn't the usage of luaL_register() (in static void create_meta) break the compatibility with Lua 5.2?
02.10.2013 0:06 GMT+4 "Michal Kottman" <k0mpjut0r@gmail.com> wrote:
> lua-sophia [1] is a Lua binding to the Sophia [2] key-value database, claiming high performance. I will try to compare/benchmark it against other key-value databases with Lua bindings later.
> Both keys and values are strings, so for storing more complex data (i.e. tables) you should use some kind of serialization library.
> LDoc-generated documentation can be found at [3].
> [1] https://github.com/mkottman/lua-sophia
> [2] http://sphia.org/index.html
> [3] http://mkottman.github.io/lua-sophia/