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2013/9/22 Alexander Gladysh <>:
> Hi, list!
> I'm writing an overview section for documentation of our new
> open-source Lua DSL building library (to be announced). And I'm
> looking for real-world examples of internal Lua DSLs.

lua-Coat is a Oriented Object Language designed as an embedded DSL.

> I already used Premake and Squish, and some from our private stuff
> that you might remember from my talk at Lua WS'11, but I remember
> seeing more out there :-)
> So, if you remember anything that can be remotely considered an
> internal DSL in Lua, even ad-hoc one, please share — either as a link
> or as a quote if it is something private (and you allow me to quote it
> in the docs).
> Thanks!
> Alexander.