Not sure if many people saw the blog post on Stackoverflow's completion of 5yrs, and what they had to say about Gamification.
Gamification, incentives go a long way, though they aren't easy to get right -- to keep morale of the crowd high, and of course, it also needs active curators (mods in case of SO) who are almost hand-picked.If some of that theory can be borrowed and applied on the LuaForge2 or whatever folks decide to call it, with constructive ratings, the authors might also remain interested in a project for longer. Often times, library authors create a library for their own use, and then decide to share. Once their use of the library goes away and they move to other things, their interest in the library wanes since they often have little feedback. For that matter the rails snippet link looked quite good too.
BTW one though on Luarocks, and I am certain it has been discussed before... is it too difficult to make all rocks that use native code ('C/C++') to be prebuilt, with the option of source-code being available ? I don't have a C/C++ compiler on my Windows PC, but find it very convenient to use it, but 3-4 Lua rocks I downloaded in last 2-3 days, turned out to require building, and ends up in "CL not found" type errors. Since the 2 subjects are somewhat (distantly) related, I thought of sharing it here.