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On 3/09/2013, at 4:00 PM, wrote:

> Greetings,
> I was wondering if there are any suitable profiling tools for checking script performance in LuaJIT. I've tried most of the profilers listed in the lua wiki:
> but the main problem I keep running into is that none of them can properly profile lua C function calls. The main issue seems to be that LuaJIT doesn't implement the "return" sethook when C functions are called. What ends up happening is that the final generated report would end up listing any C function calls as taking up 0 time.

I thought I'd got that one right at least, but it's been a while since I worked on or used luatrace I don't really remember.  In any case, tracing both Lua and LuaJIT with the same code is difficult, and hooks don't play well with jit.on.

> Are there any other alternatives or different approach to consider? How would one profile lua script performance under LuaJIT when lua C functions are involve?

Mike mentioned profiling in the LuaJIT list in June: