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On 27 August 2013 04:29, David Demelier <> wrote:
> 2013/8/10 Hisham <>:
> If I could give an advice, it would be great to see on the rocks list
> what version is compatible. This will probably requires some work but
> for example I have installed enet on my machine, where I use
> exclusively lua-5.2 but it failed because enet was using luaL_register
> function.
> I think lot of modules are not lua 5.2 compatible. (I hope the Lua
> authors will stop breaking the compatibility any time soon so we are
> not waiting three years for each module to be compatible with a new
> version).
> So a message like "enet is not compatible with the current lua version
> you're using" should be great :-).

It does show compatibility messages, but it depends on the versioning
information in the rockspec file to be correct. The dependencies table
in the enet rockspec says:

dependencies = {
    "lua >= 5.1"

(at ),
while it should probably say "lua ~> 5.1" (which is a shortcut for
"lua >= 5.1, < 5.2"). I'll look into this, thank you for the report!

-- Hisham