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2013/8/10 Hisham <>:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm very happy to announce LuaRocks 2.1.0. LuaRocks is a package
> management system for Lua modules. (For more information, please visit
> )
> This release contains some major features and does not break
> compatibility with the rockspec format. It brings three major changes:
> * now it behaves by default like other package managers and removes
> the previous version of a rock when installing a new one (if removing
> old versions doesn't break dependencies) -- to get the old behavior,
> use the new flag --keep.
> * the install process in Unix now advertises 'make bootstrap' which
> installs LuaRocks itself as a rock. I didn't get much feedback about
> this feature in release candidate stage, but let's roll it out, see
> how well this work, fix any quirks that show up and hopefully the next
> release will be released both as a tarball and as a rockspec!
> * the rocks server now features two manifest files, one for Lua 5.1
> and another for 5.2; LuaRocks 2.1.0 will use the one corresponding to
> the Lua version you're using it with, so search results will return
> rocks suitable to your Lua version (ie, it will get you the latest
> Lua-5.1-compatible rock even if the latest one is Lua-5.2-only -- this
> depends of course that rockspec authors provided correct dependency
> metadata; reports and fixes are always welcome).
> I'd also like to point out that we're _this_ close to reaching 300
> projects in the rocks repository (currently at 295)! Contribute
> rockspecs by sending them to
> and let's reach this goal. :)
> What's new since 2.0.13:
> * accesses manifest-{5.1,5.2} in remote servers to provide properly
> filtered results for Lua 5.1 or 5.2
> * Remove old versions when installing a new one and old versions are
> no longer needed to honor dependencies.
> * 'make bootstrap' is now an advertised option for installing LuaRocks
> itself as a rock on Unix systems
> * 'luarocks purge --old-versions' for cleaning up a local tree
> * --keep flag to produce the old behavior of keeping old versions
> around (can be made permanent setting keep_old_versions=true in the
> config file)
> * security config options 'accepted_build_types' and 'hooks_enabled'
> * 'lua_version' is now available as a global for your config.lua
> * new flags --lr-path, --lr-cpath, --lr-bin for 'luarocks path' for
> use in scripts
> * friendlier error messages
> * plus bugfixes
> As usual, see the GitHub logs for detailed history. And as always, all
> kind of feedback is much appreciated.
> Thank you!
> -- Hisham

If I could give an advice, it would be great to see on the rocks list
what version is compatible. This will probably requires some work but
for example I have installed enet on my machine, where I use
exclusively lua-5.2 but it failed because enet was using luaL_register

I think lot of modules are not lua 5.2 compatible. (I hope the Lua
authors will stop breaking the compatibility any time soon so we are
not waiting three years for each module to be compatible with a new

So a message like "enet is not compatible with the current lua version
you're using" should be great :-).


Demelier David