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On 02/08/2013 12.40, Dmitry Pashkevich wrote:

Emphasis mine

Yeah BUT in my case I wanted to log an error via my own utility and then
call `error()` to get stack trace output and terminate the program. Some
parts of my code look like this:

    if somethingWrong then
         myLogger:log(Level.Error, extraData, "this isn't looking good!")

         error() -- hope to also get stack trace without extra calls


But I'm probably making up a problem for myself...

What Dirk told you seems exactly what you're looking for. Just replace:



error ""

in that code and you'll get an unconditional error with a stack trace, tracing back to the point where you put that call.

If you, OTOH, need a custom error function producing a somewhat customized stack trace, you should build on debug.traceback.

-- Lorenzo