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On 28 July 2013 20:07, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
> The earliest implementation of Lua that we have found to date has files
> dated 28 Jul 1993. We have dubbed that version Lua 1.0, which is available at
> Lacking a precise release date, since Lua 1.0 was never released,
> we commemorate 20 years of Lua today.
> On behalf of the Lua team, I thank you all for your interest in Lua and
> for your support and ideas during all these years, which have motivated
> us to keep developing Lua.

Happy anniversary and congratulations to Roberto, Luiz Henrique and Waldemar!

It's been awesome being a user of your language and a part of this
community (for about... 9 years now? wow!). Here's to the next 20


-- Hisham