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Am 28.06.2013 06:35 schröbte Tim Hill:
Good points from all, but I don't think I can agree.

I think the point here is that there are different degrees/scopes to standardization:
1. At the bottom, there is the "per project" conventions. The work-arounds I mentioned, as well as Andrews's, fall into this bucket. Yes, a single empty table could act as a flag WITHIN a single Lua project or program, but...

2. Next, you have informal conventions that are often embodied in "best practices" or accepted ways to do things. Much of the Lua module system works like this.

3. Next you have the standard runtime/library.

There already is a level-3 solution to your problem: Have a look at `table.pack` which supports arrays containing nils.

4. Finally, you have the enforced conventions of the language itself.

To my mind you try to stay as far "up" that stack as you can. So why
am I arguing for something all the way down at #4? Because at every
other level any solution is scoped wrongly. Yes, for a given project I
can use an empty table as a special placeholder, or (as per the other
suggestion) I can use metatables to "hack" sparse arrays (though this is
harder than it might at first appear, at least to do efficiently).


    local setmetatable = setmetatable

    local function ipairs_iter( state, var )
      var = var + 1
      if var <= state.n then
        return var, state[ var ]

    local sparse_meta = {
      __len = function( self )
        return self.n
      __ipairs = function( self )
        return ipairs_iter, self, 0

    return function( n )
      return setmetatable( { n = n }, sparse_meta )


Did I miss something?

In your case this probably is unnecessary anyway, because the user usually knows how many values to expect from a database operation -- he/she has written the SQL statement after all ...

You see, when you move down that stack above, you are going from a
single local project to a broader and broader scope, until at #4 you
reach everyone.

Why do you want to reach everyone? So far the "empty" type is only useful under very special circumstances (to map the C/SQL NULL value to Lua), and you don't need a new type for that.

Then there are other implications to consider:
Should `local x` contain nil or empty? Should `table.pack( nil, nil )` translate the nils into empties or not? What about `{ ... }`? Should `table.unpack( t )` translate empties into nils? Should accessing an empty field invoke __(new)index metamethods? `t[ 1 ] or 0` won't work anymore. You would need two conditions to check for valid table elements. There will be sparse arrays where you *don't* want to use empty anyway, e.g.: `{ n=1000, [499]=1, [500]=2, [501]=1 }` ...

To take a canonical example, what is a clean way to surface a
databaseresult set that might include NULLs? In a standard library that many
people are likely to use? Yes, there are a dozen ways, but I don't
regard any of them as clean, and when I analyzed the problem, it really
came down to this lack of a storable empty value and the overloading of nil.

Use either one of `nil`, lightuserdata NULL, or some other special sentinel value. The question is: How would your "empty" type help?

empty type:
    local res = sql:getrow()
    local id,name = table.unpack( res )   -- or res[ 1 ], res[ 2 ]
    if name ~= empty then ... end

nil (without sparse array metatable):
    local res = sql:getrow()
    local id,name = table.unpack( res, 1, 2 )
    if name ~= nil then ... end

nil (with sparse array metatable):
    local res = sql:getrow()
    local id,name = table.unpack( res )
    if name ~= nil then ... end

some sentinel value:
    local res = sql:getrow()
    local id,name = table.unpack( res )
    if name ~= sql.NULL then ... end   -- or name ~= sql.empty

    local res = sql:getrow()
    local id,name = table.unpack( res, 1, 2 )
    if not sql.is_null( name ) then ... end

And, to be honest, I *do* think Lua lacks the concept of empty; the
current Lua documentation has to kind of wriggle a bit when explaining
arrays precisely because you cannot have an empty array element.

You cannot have an empty array element in C. In Lua you *can* have empty array elements, but Lua cannot automatically keep track of the array size for you if you do.

