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On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 03:23:57PM +0200, Wolfgang Pupp wrote:

> Steve Litt wrote:
> > Serious bummer. When you copy from the PDF version and paste into a
> > text file, the result is gibberish characters.
> If complaining to FeistyDuck won't make them remove this "anti-piracy
> scheme" (or whatever this is supposed to achieve), you could always
> try to convert the mobi format to pdf with e.g. Calibre
> ( Or use Calibre to directly read the
> mobi-format.

With xpdf i can copy the code w/o problem (but i tried only some
examples from beginning, like "-- defines a factorial function" and form
end, like "Listing 31.7. Registering libraries to be opened on demand").

Isn't maybe some encoding/font/somewhat issue with other pdf readers?
(i'we seen this problem with others pdf before, usually with xpdf unable
to c&p correctly).

Btw, i'm not speaking about protected pdf's, in this case xpdf just
