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On 15 April 2013 10:43, steve donovan <> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Pierre Chapuis <>
> wrote:
>> These issues are not imaginary, they are real, they happen when you make
>> large scale programs. I am not even talking about modules that abuse the
>> fact that some modules expose globals to monkey-patch them and do it
>> wrong:
> Ouch!  That is most definitely a fail.  To burden a person working on their
> own complex problem with that kind of module issue is not fair.
> The first law of monkey-patching is "Don't". The second is .. "Not yet...".
> I'd say that module developers work under special constraints, in order to
> allow their users to relax and do whatever monkey-patching _they_ desire to
> do!   A library writer does extra work, so that the users don't have to.

Heh, we've been considering for a while a helper library in Prosody,
available to plugin authors, specifically to aid with monkey-patching

People can and will do it anyway. It often breaks things - for example
reloading plugins must clean up after themselves, which is not hard to
do (just restore the original function), but when you have multiple
layers of monkey-patching the same 'victim' function (I've only seen
it once!) things get weird...

So as evil as it is, if we were to make a helper library that
magically made everything work as expected, surely that's at least an
improvement? :)

Matthew (who, chuckling while he wrote, probably made more than a
dozen people cry out at this mail)