Hi Victor,
> but in the linking
CMakeFiles\socket.dir/objects.a(inet.c.obj):inet.c:(.text+0x9c): undefined
reference to `_getaddrinfo'
I remember running into some similar issues (although I didn't use
CMake); since I wanted to compile with mingw for Lua52, I patched luasocket to
add inet_pton and inet_ntop support on Windows. I just pushed it to github as
it was sitting locally for couple of months:
also added build-mingw.sh script that compiles both luasocket DLLs. Just make
Lua52 available or tweak the path in the script to point to your Lua52 sources
and see if this works for you.
Not sure why IPV6_V6ONLY should be
27, I compile it with the following parameters:
-Wl,-s -O2 -shared -D