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Hi all,

Related to this announcement, I wonder if there is a way to check
automatically if installed rocks need to be updated ?



Le 27/03/2013 09:40, "Gunnar Zötl" a écrit :
> Hi,
> this message is to announce the availability of lsocket, another take of a
> socket programming library for lua.
> It is not intended to be a complete socket api, but easy to use and good enough
> for most tasks. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported, as are tcp and udp, and also
> IPv4 broadcasts and IPv6 multicasts.
> With lsocket, I restrict myself to what I percieve as the most common use cases
> of socket programming, and attempting to make those things
> easy. Also, everything (apart from select, and, if you wish to count them, dns
> resolutions) is non-blocking.
> You can get lsocket from
> or via luarocks install lsocket.
> Rgds,
> Gunnar