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2013/3/15 Roberto Ierusalimschy <>:
>> ...\lua-5.2.2\src\lgc.c(453) : warning C4334: '<<' : result of 32-bit
>> shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?)
> How can we answer "no, it was not"?
> Does this solve it?
> -                        sizeof(Node) * sizenode(h);
> +                        sizeof(Node) * (int)sizenode(h);

This doesn't work

> Or maybe this?
> -                        sizeof(Node) * sizenode(h);
> +                        sizeof(Node) * (size_t)sizenode(h);

This *does* work.

>> And when linking (despite the Cxxxx code, I use /LTCG) I get this warning:
>> ...\lua-5.2.2\src\loadlib.c(187) : warning C4700: uninitialized local
>> variable 'buffer' used
> Let us see:
>   char buffer[128];
>       NULL, error, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(char), NULL))
>     lua_pushstring(L, buffer);
> MS documentation says 'buffer' is an _Out_ parameter [1]. What can we do?

Actually, I was mistaken for that one, I have a patch that change the
buffer variable to something else, and the message is probably because
of that. I think the unpatched version should work. Sorry for the