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On 4 March 2013 02:29, Rena <> wrote:
> That seems like a good idea, although in my case, the application is
> written entirely in Lua (lgi is nice), so the "makefile" (which would
> have nothing to do besides installing) would have to edit or insert a
> line in the script to set that path.

You could insert the module path with a sed one-liner. If you're
targeting Linux/POSIX specifically, why not use the shell utilities
instead of re-implementing them?

> Maybe an "install" script written in Lua would work better here.

Make is universally available on Linux and in most cases is even an
implied dependency for package building[1]. Unless you care about
building on Windows, using make isn't going to be a problem.

If the eventual goal is to be packaged, re-inventing make and re-writing
shell utilities will just create more work for no benefit. I've packaged
dozens of apps who took this approach and each and every time I think
to myself "I could have written this build system in 1/10th the code
with existing tools".
