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----- Original Message -----
From: Miles Bader
Date: 3/1/2013 5:38 PM
Joshua Jensen <> writes:
I moved to Roberto's struct library.  It is far better documented than
lpack, but I haven't found it as powerful.
What are the power differences you found?

I guess that at the time of the switch, I found myself changing lots of constructs in my format strings related to these:

#define    OP_BSTRING    'p'        /* string preceded by length byte */
#define    OP_WSTRING    'P'        /* string preceded by length word */
#define    OP_SSTRING    'a'        /* string preceded by length size_t */

I can't find any other difference that I can recall mattered to me at the time.

I started with Luiz's. In fact, I embedded it into LuaPlus and gave it wide character string support. When Roberto's struct library came out, I thought that one was the one to use. Then Luiz offered an update, and I was confused, but I stayed with Roberto's.

In any case, documentation is critical to any project, and 'struct' is the best documented of the two.
