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Great points and good post. I would like to help. To whom do I report
for duty? (a rhetorical question, which contains my point, because
there isn't anyone.)

I would not call (I hope to god) Luarocks as the answer to an
ecosystem. Again, here is another example of a technically sufficient
(not qualified to proffer superlatives) solution with no leader to
say, "This doesn't work [in Windows / on the Mac / in Linux / with 5.2
/ at all], so it's out of the main repository and  relegated to some
ghetto-alternate meta-space."

Something like LuaBind, Lake, Penlight... wait a freaking minute... I think...

I nominate the politely-opinionated, super-nice,
full-of-contributions, and I'll-throw-in-smart (just to help sell it
to him)...

Steve Donovan Lua's desktop scripting ecosystem Manager-In-Chief!

Steve: How can I help?


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Petite Abeille
<> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:
>> But let's face it. On the day that Lua 5.2 was announced, there was no
>> standard TCP/IP library that worked on major computing, without
>> hacking the source or finding some random guy's github repository (is
>> this still the case???). That sucks. Hard.
> Meh. Lua is very much a BYO, DIY kind of ecosystem. A bit like an auberge espagnol, where one gets what one brings with.
> I personally like it that way; character forming, as in "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" :D
> On the other hand, if you would like to help, Hisham's LuaRocks is the place to go: