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> Very nice. If there is any interest, I can update my bytecode inspector
> library lbci to Lua 5.2:

If anybody is interested, I have written an Lua 5.2 bytecode parser in
LuaJIT [1] some time ago.

It can be used to inspect bytecode like luac:

    [lualua 16:52] cat hello.lua
    local hello = "Hello"
    print (hello.." World!")
    [lualua 16:53] luac -o hello.luac hello.lua
    [lualua 16:53] luajit dumpbc.lua hello.luac
    main <hello.lua:0,0> (7 instructions)
    0+ param, 4 slots, 1 upvalue, 1 local, 3 constants, 0 function
    1 [1] LOADK     0 -1
    2 [2] GETTABUP  1 0 -2
    3 [2] MOVE      2 0
    4 [2] LOADK     3 -3
    5 [2] CONCAT    2 2 3
    6 [2] CALL      1 2 1
    7 [2] RETURN    0 1
    constants (3):
      1 Hello
      2 print
      3  World!
    locals (1):
      1 hello 2 8
    upvalues (1):
      1 _ENV  1 0

But of course the main interest is to use it as a library to do your own
things with the bytecode.

I actually intended to implement a working Lua 5.2 VM in LuaJIT at the
time but I got lazy (and distracted by more urgent things), so only the
bytecode parser works...


Pierre Chapuis