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In article
   steve donovan <> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Michael Gerbracht <> wrote:
> > Additional information: cannot open test.lua: error #-1"

> I remember this: the trick is to move test.lua into the working
> directory of the executable.

There was no test.lua in the package I downloaded (from github), but I found
another place where I could download luainterface which included test.lua.

Unfortunately I am still not able to start the test files.

TestLua.exe seems to have a problem with threading - but this seems to be a
known problem since it is documented in the "todo" file.

But I also tried "LuaRunner testluaform.lua" and end up with the following

A .NET exception occured in user-code

Is there a problem with LuaInterface and VisualStudio 2012? Or did somebody
got it to work together? (Guess the real problem is me).

thanks for your help!