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On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Petite Abeille
<> wrote:
> Hmmm… I beg to differ… I, for one, have embraced our new _ENV overlord… mostly for module indeed, but also to emulate setenv/getenv at time

I try to keep a foot in each version.  _ENV for modules, now that's
easy, same as module() use.  But the case you gave showed that general
analysis would be tricky and involves tracking scope of multiple _ENV
instances.  Can be done, not sure if I want to open that front
however.  I find the new load() an adequate replacement for most uses
of setfenv.

> Yeah, well… it would be nice if any one of the tools dedicated to detecting undefined variables did indeed detect undefined variables… nothing more… nothing less… but none does reliability… oh, well...

100% will be approached asymptotically ;)  But the phrase 'nothing
more' is crucial here.

steve d.