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On Jan 27, 2013, at 2:23 PM, steve donovan <> wrote:

> Sorry about that, sh is indeed correct: it is an unknown command. I
> renamed luac just so that I could test 5.1/5.2 side-by-side; just edit
> the definition of luac at the top of globalsplus.lua.  (Egil suggests
> that a better approach is an env variable LUAC)

Another thing which is a bit confusing is that the script doesn't handle wildcards, even though luac itself does, e.g.: 

% lua globalsplus.lua TestOpen.lua

globals: TestOpen.lua:19: undefined get bar
globals: TestOpen.lua:19: undefined set foo


% lua globalsplus.lua *.lua

… nothing returned… not even an exception that '*.lua' is not a file per se or something…

Would be perhaps more useful if the script was driven from the output of luac, instead of assuming only one file name.