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On 12/31/2012 2:59 PM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
2012/12/7 KHMan:
[snip snip]
You are cordially invited to add your tool to
:-) :-)

I've just visited the Wiki page, and can report that the author
added LAT there, with the most recent GitHub entry "19 days ago"
and 5.2 support now in.

All that we need now is ANoFrillsIntroToLua52VMInstructions.pdf,
or maybe just this:

    1. A new Section 15 comparing Lua 5.1.5 and 5.2.1.
    2. An explanation of the relation to `luac -l -l`.
       Especially the negative arguments printed by the

I agree, a 5.2 update should definitely switch back to luac listings to simplify things.

Someone did inform me by private e-mail that he wanted to write such an update of the doc, but that was some months ago and the effort may have petered out. AFAIK he is not a regular poster to this list.

If anyone wants to write a ANoFrillsIntroToLua52VMInstructions, please feel free, maybe ping the list first to avoid duplication of effort.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia