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Hello Lua developers,

I have just released a new version of my inotify binding, linotify!
You can get it here:

This new version has a few changes in it; most importantly, installing
the inotify table into the global environment has been deprecated!
If you're using this module with Lua 5.2, this changes nothing for you.
For future usage, you need to use the return value of require, like so:

    local inotify = require 'inotify'

Attempting to use the table installed in the global environment will
result in a deprecation warning, but should not otherwise break your
code. This compatibility feature will be removed in the next release.

In addition to the global namespace change, I've also added an 'events'
method for inotify handles, so you can iterate over changes more

    for ev in handle:events() do

I also added a __type metafield for typical and similar type libraries.


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