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Am 19.12.2012 01:26, schrieb Tomas Lundell:
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 2:35 AM, <> wrote:

And everything because you want to write:

     map( filter( t, is_odd ), function( _, v ) print( v ) end )

instead of:

     for i,v in ipairs( t ) do
       if is_odd( i ) then
         print( v )

It's maybe a little silly to use a map for side effects - for that you'd
probably want to use a loop.

Why? Because map unfortunately constructs a superfluous table? Let's call the function 'each' like in underscore.js or its Lua equivalent[1] or Ruby (or table.foreachi like in previous Lua versions). If it's silly, it's not only me ...


Assuming you want to actually transform the
values in some way, say to square them, your example might look like this:

local new_table = {}
for i, v in ipairs(t) do
     if is_odd(i) then
         table.insert(new_table, v * v)

I can't remember when I've used any of the table.* functions, but in principle, yes.

Which I would write like this:

     local odd_items = ifilter(is_odd, ipairs(t))
     local new_table = imap(function(i, v) return v * v end,

Ok, you have the iterators variant of map/filter, at least for the input, but not the output. If I were to use map/filter, I would choose my version[2] with iterator input and output. The example would look like

    local new_t = {}
for _,w in map( function( i, v ) return v * v end, filter( is_odd, ipairs( t ) ) ) do
      new_t[ #new_t+1 ] = w

No need for different map/imap, filter/ifilter variants, and constant memory overhead (two closures and one normal function) compared to Lua's plain generic for loop instead of linear overhead (temporary array + normal function) as in your example. So you are *nearly* as flexible (no break, only one key + one value, no numeric for, can't handle arrays with holes, etc.) and *nearly* as efficient as Lua's for loop with 4 additional public functions (2 in my case). And at first glance I can't even tell which version is shortest.

Note that all functions are flexible in that:

* You can choose whether you iterate using pairs or ipairs (or a custom
* You can choose to return either a key-value table or an array (by
choosing map or imap)

/ Tom


      local function map_helper( fun, var_1, ... )
        if var_1 ~= nil then
          return var_1, fun( var_1, ... )

      function map( fun, f, s, var )
        return function( st, v )
          return map_helper( fun, f( st, v ) )
        end, s, var

      local function filter_helper( pred, f, s, var_1, ... )
        if var_1 ~= nil then
          if pred( var_1, ... ) then
            return var_1, ...
            return filter_helper( pred, f, s, f( s, var_1 ) )

      function filter( pred, f, s, var )
        return function( st, v )
          return filter_helper( pred, f, st, f( st, v ) )
        end, s, var