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On 12/13/2012 01:02 PM, Jerome Vuarand wrote:

To avoid the creation of a closure on each call, you can cache one:

local gsub,type = string.gsub,type
local ref = setmetatable({}, {__weak='v'})
local function unref(...) return ref[1](...) end

function string.gsub(s,pat,repl)
    if type(repl) == 'userdata' then
       ref[1] = repl
       repl = unref
    return gsub(s,pat,repl)

Wouldn't this be non-reentrant should the called userdata itself call gsub() [or cause it to be called via loaded script]? ref[1] would now be the inner gsub()'s repl, and when the outer gsub() finds another match it will call unref() again which will dereference to the wrong repl.