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On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Harley Laue <> wrote:
> First off, from what I've looked at, this looks great. Would you have any
> issue with me getting some of your golua work pushed into aarzilli's fork
> (it seems to me to be the most actively maintained)?

That seems like a Good Thing - feel vaguely embarrassed that there's
17 forks of that repo!  The crucial change needed is creating those C
closures that wrap Go functions.

> Also, this may be a good candidate to post to the go-nuts mailing list as
> well.

That's the idea.  I'm tracking down some issues on 64-bit Linux first.
 The other thing about this version of golua is that it uses the Go
build system, no makefiles.

steve d.