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On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> If the whole point of your proposed library is to treat e.g â (u00E2)
> and â (u0061u0302) as denoting the same character, then I do not have
> anything to contribute.  They look visibly different in all three
> fonts currently on my screen (the second form looks worse in
> three different ways: accent too small, accent too high, accent
> too low).

Then you have a crappy font renderer. A GOOD renderer treats composed
characters like ligatures -- it'll assemble the components if it has
to but it'll prefer to use a precomposed glyph if it's available.
(Likewise, the ligature "fi" has a specialized glyph in some fonts.)
On my screen those two characters are indistinguishable.

/s/ Adam