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On 12/11/2012 22:27, Alex Queiroz wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:34 PM, spir <> wrote:
PPS: I still dream of a PL where the sign for defining a symbol and the sign
for redefining one would not so strangely be the same (and so strangely be
'='!). So that, among other semantic and practicle benefits, it would not be
possible to modify builtins unintentionnally and without even beeing
notified; and maybe we would not need names like __newindex or such, just
for protection against our feable brains ;-)

Scheme has existed for almost 40 years.

Sure, but it is too far from lua ;-) and there is no Löve for scheme.

However, as you speak of it, I have in unforseenable future (yet another) scheme in mind, but with builtin, hum, say, "forms", kinds of lua-like flexible objects. So that not every data structure is a list, and indeed code-is-data would be forms (he, he).
