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Its unfair when in the documents:

where a lua local function like:
local sum
sum = function(x, y)
  return x + y

could be shorten like:

local function sum (x, y)
  return x + y
in all documents, the lua local function are intended to write in the longer form...

Any way, nice MoonScript!


Best Regards!

Xpol Wan
// There is a better way!

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 6:47 AM, leaf corcoran <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I've released a new version of MoonScript today. The programming language inspired by CoffeeScript that compiles to Lua.

It's been a while since the last release, but I've added quite a handful of features and fixes.

You can read the changelog here:

You can read more about the language on the homepage:

Also, check out the reference manual. It's a super detailed description of all the language features:

I'm on GitHub too:

Some of the notable things in this release are a continue keyword, vastly improved line number source mapping, string interpolation, and a do _expression_.

It's not on LuaRocks yet, but you can install like so:

luarocks build

I'd love your feedback, Thanks!

- Leaf