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On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Hisham <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Rena <> wrote:
>> I just installed luasql-postgres from LuaRocks, and the appropriate
>> dev packages from the Ubuntu repos, but the build script couldn't find
>> the headers... I had to use:
>> luarocks install luasql-postgres PGSQL_INCDIR=/usr/include/postgresql/
>> perhaps an issue with the rockspec?
> Hi! No, it's not an issue. This is the intended behavior: different
> OS's and distros often have incompatible include paths and LuaRocks
> cannot guess them all. This feature of specifying extra variables to
> the tool exist precisely for those situations. I'm glad to see the
> error message was informative enough so you managed to find the
> solution. :) (That's a clear evolution to some releases ago!)
> (Some people of course occasionally argue that the rockspecs should be
> tuned to the include paths of _their_ system of choice and everyone
> else should use the *_INCDIR variables... I think it's better to ship
> defaults the paths produced by upstream developers, which tend to be
> more system-agnostic, and not the incompatible changes introduced by
> one particular distro.)
> Cheers!
> -- Hisham

Would it be possible to use pkg-config when it's available? That'd
make a number of things work more transparently.

/s/ Adam