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On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:
> Another point: I see that an IDE like Eclipse can benefit from static typing
> by auto-completion, database of types and functions, early error catching,

When I was learning Java properly Eclipse was fantastic - it had more
structural insight into my own code than I had, and would suggest
intelligent ways to resolve errors. Suddenly having to maintain a
20KLOC program went surprisingly well (my colleague had run off to
join a monastery *)

So the work that Sierra Wireless is doing with the Eclipse foundation
is important.  They are using doc comments to complement pure
structural analysis of Lua.

And it's true, much work is done with non-genius teams who need such
assistance to get productive.

steve d.

* True story. Although the clients were engineers who designed using
huge spreadsheets, and they couldn't read Java. Lua would have been a
better match actually, since it looks just like their beloved VBA.