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On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Richard Hundt <> wrote:
>> However, ØMQ aside, why does the presence of a coroutine scheduler on top contribute to it being "more than just libuv bindings"?
> Read that as "more than just a bare-bones wrapper around libuv" and it
> may make more sense to you. Yes, it's a set of bindings to libuv, but
> it's a high-level binding, not a low-level one.

In my opinion, C bindings should only do what you can't do in lua.
Especially highly debated topics like async API style.  Adding
coro-sugar on top can be done in pure lua.  If I do the bindings
right, than Richard should be able to put my library inside his if he
so chose.

Also, I've found that in JIT engines, the more logic you push to lua,
the more it can optimize.  I know this is very true for V8 and
JavaScript.  I expect the same to be true to some extent for luajit.

> /s/ Adam