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On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Tim Caswell <> wrote:
> After starting the luvit project over a year ago, I've learned a lot
> about lua and the ecosystem.  Recently I've decided that cloning the
> node.js environment doesn't have as much value as I initially
> believed.

big kudos for learning and adapting to the environment!

>     fs.readFile(filename, encoding, otherOptions)(function (err, data)
>       if err then return handleError(err) end
>       -- Do something with data
>     end)

this looks like futures, as seen on Scheme, some C++ libraries and
lately in Dart.  it's a powerful primitive, and really unravels the
nightmarish callback spaghetti of JavaScript.  But for clarity of code
coroutines-based beats it hands-down.

> This is the http_parser bindings used in luvit today broken out into
> it's own module.  In my moonslice-luv project I have a modified
> version of web and continuable that uses LUV and LHTTP_PARSER to make
> super fast http servers in stock lua.

interesting.  after a quick reading it seems it would be easy to use
on any IO strategy.

> *I know Richard Hundt beat me to the "luv" name, and one of us will
> rename if it becomes a problem.  Personally I think his project is
> more than just libuv bindings since it adds 0mq integration and a
> fancy coroutine based interface on top.

yes, please get this sorted out while both libraries are young.
