Hi Peter and All,
I am trying to use the LuaSQL Postgres module from the binary release
of batteries-0.9.1.
Has anyone successfully used it in this package? If not I wrote a test
that breaks everytime.
local luasql= require( "luasql.postgres" )
local environment= luasql.postgres()
local connection= environment:connect( "my_table", "user",
"password", "server" )-- EXPLODES
print( "A message never seen" )
I can not call connect() at all. I have tested that the MySQL does work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Peter Drahoš <drahosp@gmail.com
<mailto:drahosp@gmail.com>> wrote:
On 23 Apr, 2012, at 16:26 , Ryan Pusztai wrote:
Hi Peter,
On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Peter Drahoš <drahosp@gmail.com
<mailto:drahosp@gmail.com>> wrote:
This would be more than welcome. I prefer to build SciTE
directly, in fact it is already planed for the 1.0 release[1].
However my experience with lua-gdb and scite-debug is limited.
[1] https://github.com/LuaDist/Repository/issues/59
This is looking GREAT! Can't wait to try it on Linux (as well as
Is/can 0MQ (libzmq) be added to the batteries list please?
Sure, it has been requested before and it is already in the
Repository [1][2], not sure if it currently builds cleanly on all
platforms (CI builds are in the making).
Thanks again for all your effort. Once this goes stable. I will
gladly volunteer to make Lua For Windows installer use this. In
fact, if there are some other ideas for the what a "combined"
installer would look like, I would be glad to merge/start a new one.
This would be great. I aimed to use CPack + NSIS to make a Windows
installer for batteries-1.0 that could install more modules besides
batteries. Additionally you could skip installation of headers,
documentation and development libraries that are all now included by
default. However a more sophisticated installer would probably be
needed for Windows user so it integrates into the UI and sets up
file associations.
PS: I also made an experiment to distribute the batteries package on
OS X using Application Bundle[3], while it is not the standard
approach it works surprisingly well without polluting the host system.
[1] https://github.com/LuaDist/lua-zmq
[2] https://github.com/LuaDist/libzmq
[3] https://github.com/drahosp/LuaDist-Mac/downloads