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Am 04.10.12 22:18, schrieb Ryan Pusztai:
Hi Peter and All,

I am trying to use the LuaSQL Postgres module from the binary release
of batteries-0.9.1.
Has anyone successfully used it in this package? If not I wrote a test
that breaks everytime.

    local luasql= require( "luasql.postgres" )
    local environment= luasql.postgres()
    local connection= environment:connect( "my_table", "user",
    "password", "server" )-- EXPLODES
    print( "A message never seen" )

I can not call connect() at all. I have tested that the MySQL does work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

imo, luasql is only good if you do simple, cross platform applications. if you want to do serious PostgreSQL stuff, you are much better off with my luapgsql binding that you will find on github.

that said, I tested the postgres connectore and it worked for me. it is just more or less useless, imo ;)


On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Peter Drahoš <
<>> wrote:

    On 23 Apr, 2012, at 16:26 , Ryan Pusztai wrote:

    Hi Peter,

    On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Peter Drahoš <
    <>> wrote:

        This would be more than welcome. I prefer to build SciTE
        directly, in fact it is already planed for the 1.0 release[1].
        However my experience with lua-gdb and scite-debug is limited.



    This is looking GREAT! Can't wait to try it on Linux (as well as

    Is/can 0MQ (libzmq) be added to the batteries list please?
    Sure, it has been requested before and it is already in the
    Repository [1][2], not sure if it currently builds cleanly on all
    platforms (CI builds are in the making).

    Thanks again for all your effort. Once this goes stable. I will
    gladly volunteer to make Lua For Windows installer use this. In
    fact, if there are some other ideas for the what a "combined"
    installer would look like, I would be glad to merge/start a new one.
    This would be great. I aimed to use CPack + NSIS to make a Windows
    installer for batteries-1.0 that could install more modules besides
    batteries. Additionally you could skip installation of headers,
    documentation and development libraries that are all now included by
    default. However a more sophisticated installer would probably be
    needed for Windows user so it integrates into the UI and sets up
    file associations.


    PS: I also made an experiment to distribute the batteries package on
    OS X using Application Bundle[3], while it is not the standard
    approach it works surprisingly well without polluting the host system.
