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Yes, you are completely right. I did:

$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
$ luarocks install alien

After it, in /home/luciano/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1, I found "" and "". I am not a C developer, so perhaps my question sounds for you a little bit obvious. In Windows, "alien.dll" is generate. Even though, the name is different, in Linux, I found the equivalent file: "". But what is ""?
Thank you for the attention and quickness!

Em 04-10-2012 19:57, Hisham escreveu:
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Luciano de Souza<>  wrote:
Hi listers,

In a Ubuntu 10.10, I have tried to install Alien library. Let me show you
the output:

$ luarocks install alien


Error: Could not find expected file libffi.a, or for FFI -- you
may have to install FFI in your system and/or set the FFI_DIR variable

I tried "sudo apt-get install libfii", but the package was not found.

My question is: is it possible to use Alien under Linux? What should I do?
I tested this library in Windows and I really enjoyed. It would be very nice
to use it also in Linux.
You probably need the corresponding -dev package for libffi for your
distro in order to be able to compile Alien. Once that is installed,
run that command again and it should compile it (provided you have the
usual build tools installed). Let me know if you experience
compilation errors; in the past the Alien rockspec has been tricky to
compile in some systems.

Hope that helps,

-- Hisham