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Actually, my method is kind of unconventional. I created an Xcode project that includes all Lua source files, with three targets, for liblua, luac, and lua. and then set LUA_USE_MACOSX in the build settings, which works fine for the liblua target, but has error for lua (i.e. the interactive mode). I haven't figured out how this approach differs from "make macosx". Do you happen to have any idea?


2012/10/4 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>
> I had planned to build Lua with dynamic loader enabled on Mac OS X. I tried
> to enable LUA_USE_MACOSX and the linker complaint some functions' symbol is
> unfound, which seem to belong to "readline". So I disabled LUA_USE_MACOSX
> and turned to LUA_USE_DLOPEN. This time it worked.

We've been using this for several years now and have no complaints till now.

You don't need to enable LUA_USE_MACOSX manually: just build Lua with
"make macosx".

Can you please give details on how you installed a C compiler and how
you build Lua? And which version of Mac OS X you're running.