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On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Tom <> wrote:
>> For instance, a "memoryview" module can be put together quite
>> easily using LuaJIT (just to avoid a C interface) and Roberto's struct:
> Well, let's say I have an ImageMagic library and an ndarray library.  How do
> I use your memoryview module to convert the ImageMagic image to an ndarray?
> -- load an image using ImageMagick library
> img = Image()
> img:open("lena.jpg")
> -- allocate an array
> a = ndarray(img.height,img.width)
> -- efficiently copy the pixels of img into a
>>>> put some FFI expression here <<<
> Tom

Using LuaJIT or luaffi, it's probably going to be something along the lines of:

ffi.C.memcpy(, a.pointer, img.bytes)

but I don't know the APIs of either of those objects you're describing.

/s/ Adam