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On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:
> The re-query overhead is a bigger deal than the spawn overhead, in
> light of the other comments that have been made in the thread. ;) I
> mean, a really slim inetd-based server can do the job efficiently
> enough, so there's gotta be more than that to make it a big deal.

Dr. Hipp tale is cool and so on. But his web server is a very small
native application. After a few requests, it's gonna be cached in
memory and will not be read from disk again. On the other hand, a Lua
web application will not have the same luck. The native launcher will
be cached in memory, but the Lua code has to be read from disk,
parsed, compiled and run every time the process starts anew.
