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On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 03:41:36PM +0200, Luke Gorrie wrote:
> Does this already exist as a library? if so where can I find it? if
> not anything to consider before writing it "the obvious way" using
> luasocket?

The networking side is the least of your worries if you want to accept
arbitrary scripts.

You might want to look at Supple --

Supple does the sandboxing in as complete a way as it can.  It's not *quite*
release grade yet, because I can still think of one attack vector against it if
you manage to break out of a couple of the layers of protection; but it's
effective and as and when I think of attacks I code up defences and add them to
the system.

I wrote Supple to allow people to write arbitrary hooks for git services in a
trustable (or at least safe) way.


Daniel Silverstone               
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